13.03.2007 at "PORGY & BESS" (www.porgy.at)
I set "Karmaland" audio-video performance.
Joel Ryan-electronics (STEIM-Holland)
II set "Nomads" accoustic ethno-jazz program of songing improve/ session.
Stefan Heckel- piano (Vienna,Austria)
Herbert Pieker- drums (Vienna,Austria)
Karl Sayer- bass (Vienna,Austria)
Ilse Riedler-reeds (Vienna,Austria)
Publishing poetry book „Karmaland“, presentation in Italy, Germany
Presentation of music fairy tail „Arzaana“ in Germany
First translation of some poems from „Karmaland“ in to german language at Literaturwerstadt-Berlin, Poetry festival in Berlin
Publishing poetry book in russian „Chelo-Vek“ - St.Petersburg
Recordings of music fairy tail „Arzaana“ in St.petrsburg by AZYA-Plus
Presentation of album „Arzaana“ in Russia (St.Petersburg, Moscow, Krasnoyarsk, Novosobirsk, Tuva)
"Ardhaana" musical fairy composition
Working on audio tracks for poetry book „Karmaland“
Working on russian poetry book „Chelo-Vek“
Publishing album with Tri-O russian free jazz at Leo Recods, presentation of album in France, Russia
Concerts & recording of song program „Sainkho live“ in Europe
Working on „Tuva-Irish live music project“ in Dublin, Ireland
Working on poetry books „Karmaland“, musical fairy tail „Ardjaana“, lyrics, poetry in russian & tuvan "Chelo-Vek“
Tours in Eorope with programm of songs „Digital Mutation“
Tours with jazz trio WHS (William Parker d/b, Hamid Drake dr. & perc) in France, Austria, Slovenia, Russia
Apearance at Cannes International Film Festival with Bodi Mink (category-experimental films)/France
Tour to Colombia/Medellin, International Poetry Festival
Presentation of new album "Who stole the sky?" - Zurich, Bern, Koln, Bremen, Vienna, Milano
Presentation of film of Ericka von Müller "Sainkho" in Köln, München International film festival/Germany
Recordings for album "Who stole the sky?“ with Tony Bowers
Tour to Brasil/Salvador de Bahija
Invitation and presentation of programm of songs in Tuva (AWARD BEST CREATIVE PEOPLE OF XX CENTURY OF TUVA);
Working with Erica von Mueller and WDR on film "Sainkho"
Tour with project "Stepmoter City" in UK
Tour to Brasil/Sao Paolo
Working with Ericka von Müller on film project "Sainkho"
Recordings of Album "Stepmother-City"
Promotional tour in Italy
Starting to work on project of film of Ericka von Müller "Sainkho"
Tours with new programm of songs in Italy, USA, France and Spain
Recordings of triple Album "Aura"
Promotional tours in Italy with song programm "Time out“
Film "MRS Mitternacht" Thomas Grimm/Schweizer Fernsehen
Preparation of song for album "Time out"
1995 - 96
Theater project in Zurich("Die steinerne Blume"), directed by Joseph Arnold
MultiMedia project "Screen" with Eric Rosenzweig in Canada
Tour in Noway: "Riddu-Riddu" Festival, TMV Festival, Duo with Irene Becker
Duo-tour with Irene Becker in Denmark
Theater-project at "Theater des Augenblicks" in Vienna
Presentation of dou album "Amulet" with Ned Rothenberg
Project with "Hakutobo" butoh dance theater /Tokyo
Recording with Andreas Vollenweider "Songs of Till"
Tour to Australia/Adelaide Festival with programm "Out of Tuva"
Grant of DAAD- Berlin
Teaching at akademie of "Schule für Dichtung in Vienna"
Solo tour in France
Tour in Norway and filmproject by Erick Bue with Jan Garbarek, Trilok Gurtu and Marie Bojne in Santa Fe (USA)
Recording and presentation of new album "Aut of Tuva" (WORLD MUSIC CHARTS EUROPE, JULY, AUGUST);
Participation at the international project "Unter Wasser Fliegen" with singers from Algeria, Spain, Germany, Zimbabwe, Peru, Iran
Duo tour and recordings with Irene Becker in Denmark "Dancing on the Island"
PRIX FUTURA 93 Newcomer Award BBC, London with "Tunguska-Guska"
Tour in Japan and recording with Kang Tae Hwan in Matsue "Live"
Concerts and workshops in Tuva with projekt "Bruecke Eurasien" with austrian group "Die Knödel" from Tirol and Hans-Erich Gödeker/Hamburg
Grant of DAAD- Berlin for 1994
Duo tour with Ned Rothenberg in USA and CD-Production
Solo tour in Scandinavia
First apearance in Japan
Festival of Contemporary Music in London
Opening of "Dokumeta" in Kassel
"Festival of Women" Hamburg
First tour to Denmark with Radio and TV-appearance
Preparation and presentation of cultural exchange project in Tuva with swiss group "Kieloor Entartet" and duo from London- Ken Heyder & Tim Hodgkinson
Tour with saxophonist Ned Rothenberg at the festivals in Russia and Gemany, Switzerland and France
Publishing & presentation album“Letters“ at Leo records, London, U.K.
Recordings and presentation of CD in Zurich with Mathias Ziegler and Mark Dresser
Tour in Sweden and Denmark with Irene Becker, New Djungle Orchestra
First experience with teaching at workshops and seminars Germany, Austria
Solo-recordings and productions with musicians and composers like: Christian Muthspiel - "Octett Ost", Andreas Vollenweider - "Book of roses", Peter Kowald, Werner Ludi, Buch Morris - "When the sun is out..."
Radio play edition of "Tunguska-Guska" with drumplayer Sunny Murray, Harthmut Geerken, Grace Yoon, Iris Dise at BR (Baierischer Rundfunk)
Transsibirian rail-tour with Peter Kowald and Georg Graf. Film documentation with Konstanze Binder for her Project "Reise mit Sainkho nach Tuva";
1990 - 91
Theater production (author & actress) at Werktheater Wedding/Berlin: "Tunguska-Meteorit" with Iris Dizie and Grace Yoon
First tour with group "Tri-O" in Germany, Austria,Switzerland countries
First big expirience in modern free-improvising musicscene of central Europe
1987 - 89
Concert tours with folklore group to Spain,USA, Canada, Italy, Sweden, Australia, New Zeland, Singapure and Philippine, "HONORARY CITIZEN AWARD" - Minneapolis USA november 1987
1983 - 88
Graduation of "Gnesin"-Institute and preparation to diploma thesis "Vocal styles in ritual cultmusic of Sibiria"
Second price & special price at Russian Folk Singers Competition-Krasnodar, USSR