Interview for Italian journalist for Libero Discrivere-Genova
1) When did you discover you had this extraordinary vocal ability?
-First time from article of Pius Knuessel saying "... it was free shock..." for the audience & after the performance people have been talking about me as an extraordinary singer... It was 1986 written at "Jazztetik" monthly music magazine for german speaking countries.

2) "Land of only sighs" is the definition you gave to your Country. How can we read this metaphor?
-When & where was it written? I can not remember about such statement. What means "sighs"?

3) You are "lived" by different languages : Russian, English, and Tuvan.
-Yes, true I can communicate through russian, english, tuvan, bit german, but I would like to express my self through sounds, music, intonations.
How do they interact in your everyday life?
-I try to learn not to use words for thoughts. Often using feelings & body language for communication.In Europe I often use english to communicate, because it is kind of third point for me & german or italian or French speaking person. I like to speak tuvan when is possible. Most difficult things I like to express through russian not tuvan, because many things is not possible to express through tuvan. It is old language where many words like radio, internet, equipment, CD e.c.t. is not existing, many
categories are not existing.

4) Do you feel uneasy translating your poems on your own?
-In the moment yes. It coming the way it is coming to me.If it is possible to word it out at all. But more & more I think I should not word all visions because words can confuse & not everything is possible to say.
5) Your grandparents were nomads, your parents were teachers: if you had to take a snapshot from your memories, what would it be?
-I when to far away in to very modern material world. Where product of artistic imagination has value to sell & bey. I am to long here to understand how it was in past in Central Asia, but I can easily imagine to be master in music or hand craft is not really or necessarily mean much money or success at all.

6) Sciamanic songs are traditionally sung by males only. Someone would have considered revolutionary that you, a woman, have chosen this branch of singing: have you suffered any kind of censorship?
-This is wrong information. Shamans in Central Asia & I think in all world was both in mail & fimale traditionally.
-May be you mean Overtone (byphonic singing) Yes, it was trictly mail art but now there is alot of fimale singers in Tuva & other countries performing in public. And it is not problem any more.
As you remember in all Middle East countrys woman had to hide theor faces behinde "Parandja" (special scarf covering face, sometime all body) In modern time it is getting less.
7) On stage, you offer the archaic heritage of your land, but, as Enrico De Angelis (Artistic Director of "Premio Tenco") pointed out, you also use dj Goldfinger's "devilments". Is this situation a choice working out as time goes by, as a compromise?
-Well, each project I invite different musicians.In the moment I dont have any concerts at all. Except presentation of this new book & small events in very small clubs for 30-50 seets.& it is only improvised music.Somehow it is looking like my song programm where I play with 3-4 musicians nobody has interest to see & listen.I do not have any invitations to the festivals. Last big event I had was in june 2005 in Bonn.I dont know what is happening.
8) In your book "Karmaland", the narrator says ".in Sainkho's biographies something is always missing." By this assertion, you seem not to feel fully understood.
-I think I have been writing out all what was possible to write in my biography.I will send to you in attachment both Biography & chronological personal record. You can decide by your own.
Do you have something at heart that biographers do not tell us ?
-Difficult to answer this question. I thought I have been mentioning everything about me in my biography & personal chronological record. May mr Vivaldi mean I should write finally large kind of esse about my life finally. I don't know.I have been mentioning olmost each year from my life sience I left Tuva 30 years ago, & even more I have been writing about what I have been doing in Tuva before I had to go to Moscow.I thought i have been writing everything, everything trying to complete it in one or two pages for the information on web site & for the promoters. I am really sorry if he finde it to short. he should have been asked me direct what I have been doing in so & so year. Pitty to hear that there is sicrets inm y biography I thought I have been writing everythign year by year. Please look at attachment & if you finde questions to ask where & what I have been doing in particular time, year I will try to answer.
I have nothing to hide from people.
I dont know what he have been meesing it is difficult for me to gess. He never asked me about it.We had one meeting & he have been focusing on translation of poems in to italian. Thats all.
If he would have been asking me concret questions I would try to answer as much I could.
9) Have you ever been worried about your vocal chords? In winter, do you wear scarfs and foulards as lyrical singers do?
-Like any singers I do care about cold. It is normal I think.
What do you mean lyrical singer I did not get.
Singer is singer.
10) "The Angel appearing next to my bed / told me that he could show any kind of things" are verses that tell us a lot about your other perception. Does this special sensitiveness frighten you or does it give you joy?
-No, it was only one time happening when I came back from hospital. I had very lonely feeling. probably it was just my fantasy. I am very, very sorry for giving you wrong impression with this short text. may be it should not be published at all.
This is when I say it is not necessary probably to word out everything to people. They will be always understanding it on their way & having their measurements to make their critic. But poem is poem. Fantasy dasn't have to be real to prove.
Again I am sorry if I express it not impressive enough. I think if person start to look for fact or details thats means poem is bad or reading person dasn't know what for the art & literature is existing.

11) You travelled a lot, you moved away from your country. What have you left in your native Land that you haven't found abroad yet?
-Everybody say the same thing Sainkho is traveling a lot.But when i see how much other musicians are traveling I think I am just victim opf internet chatting about formal frames & clishe.
I do not travel so much anymore becouse I dont have so many concerts.Yes, I have been staying in Vienna for 12 yeas, meanwile spending some month in Milano, Berlin, Moscow, e.c.t.
Yes, did spend two years of leaving in Dublin, but now I am staying in Berlin for example, not in Ireland.
Some smart people use to say about only one land that thay are registered & keep in minde that everything what after is just permanent traveling for the studies or touring or working on the project.For example Brian Ino spend two years leaving in St.Petersburg in 1997-1998 . But nobody says he is traveling much they say he had been visiting Russia.
In my case staying 2-3 month in Milano for example is turnign to
much traveling, having nomadic life e.c.t.
Well all what I have to say with this is I learned that it is better to be registered in one place, to be settled. And if peolple will ask me do i travel i wiil say no I am settled at so & so place & no more explanation.It cost me much trobles to be named as the nomad leaving in Europe.My grand parents have been nomads as Peter Kowald first picked up the theme in the air, my parent have been olready settled tuvan teaching in scool.

12) What do you dislike and what amuses you about Italians? What do they have in common, if anything, with the people of your country?
-I would not like to answer this question. Thing can change.Even if I did not like in collaboration with some body like for example Vivaldi I hope it will be change by time. Or I try to forget or to skeep negative feeling. I am to small to give critic to all nation. We are all not perfect.